senior family

We aim to give back to our senior family members. As they begin to live out the next chapter in their lives, their needs may arise or evolve. Caring for our older loved ones may come with challenges, but it does not mean that it has to be tough. Read on for practical tips to give the best possible care to your elderly loved ones at home.

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Easy ways to senior-proof your home

The most common cause of falls among older adults is a slip, trip, or fall that happens on a hard surface in the home. Even one fall can be threatening for an older adult. If you want to remain safe in your own home as you age, safety modifications are a must.   Knowing that […]
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What types of doctors do Seniors need?

As we get older, our body is more prone to injury and various health problems. It is important for senior adults and their families to find out how to prevent health issues before they can cause any harm.    That is why when it comes to health, it is a very good habit to consult […]
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Senior Nutrient Deficiencies: What Vitamins and Nutrients do Seniors Need?

Senior Nutrient Deficiencies: What Vitamins and Nutrients do Seniors Need?   A healthy body is important to everyone, but the older you get, the more prone it is to certain diseases and deficiencies. Senior nutrient deficiencies are linked to a wide range of health issues, such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and low bone density.   […]
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Food and Drinks for Aging Gracefully

When we were young, we were carefree about the activities we did and the food and drinks we chose to consume. Then over the years, our bodies became more sensitive to the physical stress we put on them. Now that we are older, we are more mindful of the activities we do making self-care one […]
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Nutritious meals from your own garden!

One of the things that was brought about by the pandemic was the trend of home gardening. This started the “Plantitas” and “Plantitos” craze that spread on social media like wildfire. Though the roots (no pun intended) of this trend came from self reflection and self care during a time of high anxiety, there are […]
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Why Zinc aside from Vitamin C is good for Senior Immunity?

As we age, our body deteriorates, becoming less efficient at the tasks they were made for. A bad diet, unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise can accelerate the decline of these processes. Statistics show that 40% of elderly Filipinos suffer from Zinc deficiency, one of the leading causes of immune system deterioration in humans.  In […]
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What is an Adult Nutritional Supplement Drink?

Ah milk, the refreshing and delicious drink we all know growing up. Who could ever forget those white mustaches we have grown to laugh about after drinking milk. This drink is not only delicious but it is also good for the bones just like what mom and dad always used to say.  But now that […]
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20-Minute Easy Workouts for Seniors to prevent Muscle Loss

Experts recommend that older adults should exercise for at least 150 minutes a week, to build strength and muscle mass. As our bodies age, we experience loss of muscle mass that can begin as early as in our 30s or also known as sarcopenia. The term originates from the Greek words, “sarco” which means flesh […]
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Immunity Boosting Habits for Seniors

According to the World Health Organization, adults aged 60 and above belong in the most vulnerable and high risk groups for COVID-19, particularly if they are living with heart or lung disease, diabetes, or any health condition that leaves them immunocompromised such as cancer.  Boosting our immune systems should always be a top health priority […]
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Why are Omega 3 and Omega 6 Good For You?

Omega-3 and Omega-6 are  two polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) that are very important because they contain compounds that have incredible benefits for your brain and body. This is the reason doctors recommend both of these fatty acids in anyone’s diet, especially older adults.  Researchers found that a balanced intake of Omega-3 and Omega-6 rich foods […]
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