Food and Drinks for Aging Gracefully

Senior Family

 / Immunity Is Key

When we were young, we were carefree about the activities we did and the food and drinks we chose to consume. Then over the years, our bodies became more sensitive to the physical stress we put on them. Now that we are older, we are more mindful of the activities we do making self-care one of our most important priorities. 


There are many ways to practice self-care in our senior years. Here are some examples of some activities you can do in the safety of your home: 


  • Consult your Doctor
    It is now easier to connect with your doctor for consultation. You would only need an online communication tool like Zoom or Viber to make an online call. Your doctor can give you valuable information that can help prevent sickness and keep you in perfect shape.

    Your doctor can give you advice on your:

    • Physical and mental wellbeing 
    • Nutritional Assessment and Requirements
    • Additional Supplements and Medication, if any
    • Medical procedures you need
  • Eating Right
    You are what you eat. The food you eat manifests on your bodily health. Eating the right food will mean a healthier and more youthful you. So make sure to eat a healthy and varied diet.

    Nutrients to look for:

    • Calcium
    • Vitamin D
    • Vitamins B6 and B12
    • Zinc
  • Exercise
    By moving around and doing light exercises we can keep our minds and bodies active and slow down the degenerative processes of ageing. Doing this has surprising benefits to your body such as improving blood flow and keeping your muscles and bones strong.

    Here are some recommended exercises you can do at home to keep you fit: 

    • Walking indoors or in your garden
    • Dancing, Zumba
    • Lightweight training
    • Yoga or Light Stretching
  • Stay Connected
    If there is one thing that can be a detriment to your health, it would be emotional stress. Loneliness and anxiety can have a negative impact on your mental health which in turn can manifest in your physical health as well. Technology found a way to bring us closer to our loved ones during this pandemic. Always keep in touch with friends and family. Spread the love. 


Knowing what is good for your mind and body is already your first step to a healthier you. The next step is to include these tips in your daily routine to form habits that will become your new lifestyle. A perfect habit you can add to your self-care routine is drinking Birch Tree Advance - the adult nutritional supplement that contains the important nutrients your body needs in your senior years. Drink Birch Tree Advance today! 

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