Immunity Boosting Habits for Seniors

Senior Family

 / Immunity Is Key

According to the World Health Organization, adults aged 60 and above belong in the most vulnerable and high risk groups for COVID-19, particularly if they are living with heart or lung disease, diabetes, or any health condition that leaves them immunocompromised such as cancer. 

Boosting our immune systems should always be a top health priority at any age to prevent diseases and other conditions that can significantly affect our bodies and may even lead to irreparable damage. The DOST Food and Nutrition Institute of the Philippines offers a great food guide for older adults and  they recommend following some important tips:


  • Consume Energy Giving Food
    Food that contains high fiber and nutrients such as brown rice, wheat bread, and oatmeal are important in avoiding diseases such as heart attacks and diabetes. 
  • Look for Food that promotes Body Building
    Protein and Calcium are important in building a strong and healthy body. That is why you should look for foods that provide these such as fish, lean meat, milk and eggs. 
  • Eat Body Regulating Food
    Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet so that you can maintain youryou body’s natural processes.
  • Always be hydrated
    Drink a lot of water so that you are always hydrated. Reduce the consumption of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages which cause dehydration and obesity. 


Eating healthy is important but staying fit is too, especially during the pandemic. Here are a few  tips to keep your mind and body in top condition

  • Online Exercises such as Zumba and Yoga can help keep your body busy while at home
  • Light Exercises such as stretching, jogging in place and dancing will be great in maintaining your flexibility and cardio.
  • Light weight training to keep your muscles active and strong
  • And as a bonus, enjoy crossword puzzles, board games or video games with the family to keep your mind and memory sharp. . 

As we have to live in a world with COVID19, it has become a must to have a healthy immune system. The new normal undeniably affected our everyday lives, which will also affect our way of living for years to come. However, it does not mean that we are defenseless against COVID-19. We are dedicated to strengthening and elevating your Senior Power as we provide you with simple yet effective measures on how you can live your golden years in these challenging times. Always remember to consult your doctor or a medical professional if you experience any COVID19-like symptoms.

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