Age-defying habits to start so you can stay young even at 60!

Being an older adult doesn’t mean you have to worry a lot and can’t have fun. By creating powerful habits to maintain your mind and body, you can stop the hands of time and enjoy your life to the fullest. 

Positive habits are simple activities that can change your life for the better. If you maintain these habits, they become part of your lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle, for a longer life. Here are some age-defying habits you can start for a younger and healthier you: 


  • Be physically and mentally active

    Aging has a detrimental effect on our mind and body. However, it does not have to be that way. By remaining physically active through exercise, you can improve your strength and balance, thus lowering your risk for falls, and increasing your capacity to do fun activities. A time for brisk walking, swimming and dancing  would be activities to keep you physically active.

    The same thing can also be said about your mind. The brain is like a muscle where the more it is stimulated, the stronger it becomes. By doing simple mental activities such as learning new things and solving puzzles, you can decrease the risk of memory loss and depression.

  • Maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet

    Nutrition plays a big part in living a healthy lifestyle most especially for older adults. What you consume turns into the building blocks you need to maintain your mind and body. With the help of your physician or dietitian, find out what foods you need to take to fulfill your checklist of nutritional requirements. 

    A well-balanced diet also means that you will have to be wary of some foods that can be harmful. You will have to limit your intake of sugars, salt, fat and alcohol which can be detrimental to your body. And always remember to keep hydrated.

  • Get a lot of rest

    Sleep is very important to your body as this is the time our body can do its repair and maintenance. It is recommended that older adults get at least 7-9 hours of sleep. A good strategy is following a regular sleeping schedule each night. This means avoiding activities and distractions that can keep you up at night.

  • Have fun

    Not only does having fun make for a good time, it also has health benefits as well. One of the key benefits to having fun is that it lowers our stress levels. This in turn lowers your blood pressure thus decreasing your chances of cardiovascular problems. The endorphins produced when you are happy also helps lower your risk of depression and anxiety which are main causes of mental stress. So enjoy life and have some good clean fun with your friends and loved ones from time to time. 

So stay young even at 60. It is also important to feed your body with the right vitamins and minerals needed by older adults. Birch Tree Advance is specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of older adults. Drink Birch Tree Advance! Stay young, stay healthy starting today! 

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